30 Min Colon Clean Out
First published December 11, 2014
© Max Private – All rights reserved
This article has been published to help a member of FetLife who came to me for assistance with a specific situational problem. The home is not conducive to using enemas (shared accommodation). They get away to their playmate’s place for the weekend but they don’t want to waste a good portion of Friday evening preparing following a three hour drive from work. In fact they don’t want to waste a second. So her ass has to be clean by the time she gets there and that is usually 6 or 7 hours after her lunch break, the only opportunity she has to clean out (bummer). So Friday lunch is the only opportunity which she can sort out for a serious enema and that only gives her about 30 mins, So….
The 30 min Colon Clean Out
It should go without saying that you are going to need some descent equipment. Most people’s thoughts will immediately go to those cheap enema kits you get a the drug store or pharmacy. Sadly, they are typically too small to do a good, fast clean out. Most of the store bought enema kits hold less than 2 quarts. You might find one that hold up to 2 litres (just over 2 quarts) and that is the smallest you will get away with and you will still probably need to refill the bag (or can) mid enema.
Your enema kit
You either want a 3 to 4 litre enema bag or a Shower Enema Nozzle. Investing in a set of Digital bathroom scales is also essential if you want to avoid messy accidents later because you didn’t empty out properly.
Digital bathroom scales will tell you exactly how much water you put inside. It the only way to tell exactly how much water you are holding if you use a shower nozzle. More importantly, whether you are using an enema bag or shower nozzle, they will tell you for certain that all the water came back out, and more. Typically, it should be up to 1lb or 0.5kg more.
Don’t leave being clean to chance
When time is of the essence, it is most important to start with a very small enema. You should will take a couple of small steps to work up to a large volume enema and flush your colon out.
When you are in a hurry the very last thing you want to do is to push any gas and/or solids backwards, up your rectum and colon. When you are in a hurry it is extremely tempting to push as much fluid up your ass, as fast as possible, to get the cleaning process going. This is a very bad approach. It is guaranteed to push stuff backwards and that will cause stoppages and cramping when you try to expel. It will completely derail your efforts to be fast.
Slow and steady wins the race.
To help avoid pushing stuff the wrong way, always stand up or be vertical when filling. Don’t use positions or techniques to “help” the enema go in. If it doesn’t go in easily, if you feel cramps or pressure, you know that the fluid is pushing up against either gas or solids. It is not a problem if the fluid goes past solids (as long as they are not carried up the wrong way in the process). If it is pushed past gas the gas often causes a vapor lock. There will be lots of cramping on the way out and nothing comes back past the vapor lock in a hurry.
Since there is no way to know if the pressure is from a gas pocket or a solid mass, take the approach that it is gas. You don’t have the time wait for your colon to shift a gas pocket that is preventing stuff getting past it and out.
If you are smart enough to have taken the advice to invest in a set of digital scales, now is the time to weigh yourself. Digital scales will measure your weight to the nearest 100g (less than 4 oz.). When you are done, you will be significantly lighter than this weight. If you are not, then you are not empty and the mess is coming later.
Step 1 – Empty out the rectum first
You start with just a small amount of warm water. No need to use a enema bag for this step. You don’t need to worry about positioning yourself. Standing is fine. It might be easier/quicker is you use an enema bulb syringe. If you have an enema bag setup, just don’t over do it.
You must use warm water. Body temp or a couple of degrees above to help relax the muscles and it helps the water migrate past any solids and up the walls of the rectum. Warmer is better but don’t burn your ass.
Any water from 50ml – 200ml (2 – 5 fl oz) is enough. It is just to empty the lower part of the rectum quickly. You can use a short burst from your enema kit or shower nozzle but it is quicker is you have a Max Injector or Enema bulb syringe. Inject the water and give it a minute to loosen any stools and moisten the wall of the rectum. A squirt and a squat should only take a minute.
Step 2 – Flush the rectum
This step is a quick flush of the entire rectum. You have to make sure it is empty. You don’t want to start pushing stuff from your rectum backwards, up in to your colon (other than the water) when you move to the high volume colonic enema. Again, you do this bit standing. You don’t really want/need the water to go beyond the top of the rectum.
Depending on your anatomy you will need 300-500ml to fill the rectum. Using enema bottles or syringes can be fiddly. You definitely want to use your enema rig for this step and those that follow. Taking it slow is still the key. You are bound to feel pressure build up as the water reaches the top of the rectum. This is the point at which you stop the flow of water and hold it.
Peristalsis animation
Let your insides do the work
You should feel quite a bit of pressure. It tends to keep building up after you stop the flow of water as your inside react to having the rectum filled. The idea is to hold this for 2 to 3 minutes. It can get quite intense. You want to stay close to the toilet incase you just can’t hold the enema.
Even if you think your emptied the rectum entirely in the first step, solids and/or gas might have descended when you squatted the first time. Regardless, stop, hold and wait. You are should feel the pressure or cramping build and release while you wait. The muscles at the top of the rectum will be resisting inflow and start pushing back. Clench your ass and resist the urge to release. Your internal muscles work in cycles. They do not just keep pushing. When they fail to move the stuff in your rectum, they reset and try again from higher up. As the muscle cycle releases, the water will migrate further up, past the top of the rectum and into the sigmoid colon.
You are ready to empty
Don’t start the flow of water again just because you think you can take more when the first cramp subsides. Just let your insides work on water for the next couple of minutes. The Peristalsis will keep working on the water to move it out, mixing everything up as it goes. It will soften and release the mass in the sigmoid colon and rectum.
After a couple of minutes or three episodes of cramping, it is time to release. A fart at the end of the squat is always a good sign. Gas always floats to the top of the liquid and sludge as everything runs down. Gas is your enemy and you want it out before you try to fill yourself up more.
Step 3 – Flush the entire colon
This will take 15 mins. to 20 mins. if you get it right. You want to get it right because this is the big part of the clean out.
Now it is time for 2 quarts (or more) of warm water. Now you want the enema to fill your colon from anus to Cecum. The human colon, if laid out in a straight line on a surface, is capable of expending to hold up to 7 litres (1.8 US gallons). But when constrained within the abdomen it is not free to expand and the limit for most people is 3 litres. Also, keep in mind that your colon is not empty to begin with.
Now your position is more important. Take special note if you haven’t done a lot of total clean outs before. The first position show here on the right (the Left-side Position) is the position most often promoted for administering colonics. It does make filling the first half of the colon easy. But that’s only half the job. Once the Descending colon is filled the enema has to push up hill to fill the transverse colon. As the column of water builds up in the transverse colon, pressure builds up at the Left colic (or splenic) flexure. This will give you a premature sense of fullness and pressure that you might not be abler hold on to.
Watch out for false signals
Just because you feel internal pressure does not mean you are full. You are full when you feel the pressure build up under your ribs on the right side and just in front of, or above the right hip. This is where you Cecum sits and is the widest part of the colon that can hold the most water.
You want the water to be just a little above body temp. Too cold and your colon will cramp and you will not get all the water in. Too warm and your colon will relax too much. It will take your colon several minutes to recover and really slow your progress. You may struggle to empty properly and completely.
Take the enema slowly. This is why it is recommended by many that the enema bag should not be hung higher than your shoulder or head height. If you are using a shower attachment, the water flow must be nice and slow. It should take 3 to 5 minutes to fill the colon.
Your start position
The Knee-chest position is the most idea for this step in the process. When you start to fill yourself up in this position, if there is any gas still in there, it will rise to the anus and the water will flow past easily (as the anus is now the highest point on your body). With your insides now upside-down, the water will flow down through the rectum, and having your back arched to stretch out your stomach, it should flow through the sigmoid colon and descending colon and easily through the Splenic flexure to start filling the transverse colon.
Now you will start feeling things
The water should flow easily without any resistance until it reaches the top of the descending colon. At this point you might feel some amount of pressure or cramping – Somewhere between 1 pt/500ml to 1 qrt/1 ltr. If the pressure keeps building up, stop the flow of water at this point, hold it till the pressure subsides and then continue to fill.
The pressure might be intermittent or quite consistent as the water continues to flow. If it is a full-on cramp, pause the water flow. Otherwise, just keep letting the water flow in. If you are using an enema bag, you might even notice the water flow stops briefly when you feel a cramp. The water can flow backwards briefly and then suddenly the cramp or pressure will drop and the water will start to flow easily again. Some people add anti-backflow valves to the enema rig to stop the water actually flowing back up the tube, but it not essential.
If the pressure keeps building up as it did before then stop the flow again. Hold it and resist the urge to release. It will pass and when it does continue filling up. You need to get to the 2 (plus) litre mark on this fill.
Time to transition
As the water continues to flow past the 500ml mark, it starts to fill the transverse colon. As the water fills you Transverse colon, you will start to feel pressure building up under your ribs. This is just the weight of the water, which by now is approaching 1kg (2.2lb). If you are calm and concentrate, you can feel the weight of the water fill your transverse colon from under your ribs on the left side of you body to the right.
This is the time to transition from the Chest-knee position to an All Fours kneeling position and slowly to kneeling upright, or even standing up. This will reduce the pressure on your belly making things more comfortable as you keep filling slowly. Once the transverse colon is full, moving a vertical kneeling or standing position will allow gravity to help the water fill your ascending colon and cecum.
You should be feeling full. Most importantly, you should feel the fullness in the lower right hand side of you belly. Down where your appendix sits or where you might see an appendix operation scar. Despite that, you should be able to hold all that water quite easily.
Now is the time to weigh yourself again because you need to hold the enema for several minutes. You should be, at the very least, 2kg (4.5 lb) heavier than when you started. You want to hold the enema for several minutes (up to 5 mins.). Rub your belly gently. Lightly brush the palms of your hands over the surface of your stomach in circular motions. After 5 mins. or so, it is time to empty.
Process of expulsion
When you sit, sit upright. Even lean back a little and arched your back to push your stomach out, with knees dropped. You want to stretch your tummy to minimize the kinks in your colon. You want the path for the enema release to be as straight as you can make it.
Try resist the urge to push hard and get everything out in one push. It won’t happen. Control the expulsion so that it is more of a release than a push. Try to let it flow rather than pushing it out. When the flow slows to a trickle, regardless of any urge to push, stop! No matter how hard it is to stop, use the control you have over your anus and STOP! Wipe, stand up for a minute and let gravity and peristalsis do their thing. Gently rub your hands over you stomach again. Then sit back down. If you feel a cramp coming on… STOP! Squeeze your anus shut no matter how hard it is to do that, especially when all you want to do is push past the cramping. Wipe, stand up and the cramp will settle very quickly. If you try to push the cramp out, you’ll just make it worse. When your insides have relaxed again, resume your seat.
Spoiler Alert!
Being blunt, the tail end of the evacuation will be sludgy, smelly and if you have done a good job, punctuated by a fart as any pocket of gas that was hiding high up in your colon, comes out at the end. As you are expelling the enema any gas percolates to the top of the column of liquid as it descends the descending colon and rectum. The water flows out while the gas always rises to the top, so it is always the last bit to come out the bottom.
This is the time to weight yourself again. Remember weighing yourself at the start? You should be lighter than that original measurement. If your are the same weight or heavier, you are definitely not finished emptying yourself. Stand-up and walk around. Arching your back and rubbing you belly. You might have to relax for another 5 or more minutes. You will feel things percolate into your rectum and feel the need to go to the toilet again.
When you are really empty, you will feel really empty. A kind of clam will settle over your belly and insides.
Step 4 – Rinsing the Rectum, Sigmoid and Descending Colon
The tail end of the big empty will not be clear enema water. It is likely to be very “dirty” and there will be traces of semi digested food (typically greens or other high fiber foods) in the last of the enema water. Basically, your entire colon will be left with traces of stuff that you have drawn out of the cecum and ascending colon.
For a Total Colon Clean Out, step 3 is repeated at least once more, but you don’t have time for that. If you did, you would be following the procedure outline in the sister article – Total Colon Clean Out. You don’t have to worry about the upper half of the colon. With all that water being injected in to the colon, it goes into overdrive. Your colon is going to suck all the excess water from the traces of sludge and the remanence will be immobilized. Nothing is going to pass through that part of the colon for another 24 hours.
The only thing left to do is make sure the rectum is properly flushed and clean for your intended use. However, you still need to make sure the residual muck is flushed from sigmoid and the descending colon. So we are going to fill the rectum, sigmoid and descending colon one more time. It is important not to use too much water. That will disturb the transverse colon. Then you will have to revert to a total colon clean out. 500ml (or a pint) on this last step will do the trick. Remain in an upright (standing) position so that gravity will keep the water flow from making its way past the Splenic flexure. It should take only a couple of minutes to take and release 500ml.
Position for release
Hold it for a minute or so. There should not be any cramping this time. Now sit, don’t squat. Drop your knees below your hips, sit up and arch back a little to help straighten out your lower bowel. Try to control the release so that it is more of a flow than a push.
When the flow stops or peters out to a dribble, deliberately clench your anus to stop (wipe) and stand up. Stretch, arch your back, twist your torso and use your stomach muscles to push your belly out (not the enema). If you can, walk around for a minute. Softly “smooth” your hands over your belly in circular motions. Now sit in a more regular toilet position, knees up high, in a proper squatting position if you can and give it a push to see what more you can get out. Give it at least a minute.
No matter how careful you are, you many not have actually clear the large volume from step 3. In such cases, this step (step 4) can dislodge a lot of stuff you didn’t know was still stuck up there. If this is the case or you think that the waist water is still very dirty, repeat this step 4. It will only takes a few minutes extra.
Step 5 – The last tidy up
There are two ways to go from here. After Step 4 your colon empty. You will probably still see minute traces in that last of the water from Step 4. All you want to do now is to focus on making the rectum completely clean for play. Go back and repeat Step one with very small quantities of what just to flush the rectum and anus.
If play time is still hours away, as in the opening preamble, you can stop now. Leave the last rectum flush for just before play. You will need a Max Injector or other enema syringe handy to make this a quick addition to a toilet break before sex.
Another method for flushing your rectum is a rectal lavage. A lavage is a flush that you do not hold in at all. As the enema goes in you let the water flow back out at the same time in a continuous flow. This requires a slim enema nozzle that is at least 8 inches (20 cm) long. Literally flush your rectum by letting the water flow out your anus while it is flowing in to the top of the rectum, through the nozzle.
– Final note –
Your colon is very good at extracting water but it doesn’t do it “mindlessly”. As good as your colon is at recovering water its job is to keep a good balance. When it fails to keep the balance one way or the other, you get constipated or diarrhea. Fill your colon with water, just once, it will trigger a compensatory response from your colon that will last hours (if not days). As long as there are no pockets of water you left in your colon, your colon will suck itself dry. If you can get your finger in your ass without lube you will find that it is very tacky inside. A good reason why lube should be injected into the ass before anal penetration. This is where the Max Injector serves two purposes. Any residue that was left higher up in the colon will be immobilized by the dry, tacky conditions. Even hours after your enema program you will be good for hours of play. Even depth play.