Total Colon Clean Out
3rd edition – August 16, 2022
First published June, 2013
© Max Private – All rights reserved

Total Colon Clean Out for Serious Anal Sex Activities

This article “Total colon clean out” is a detailed guide for cleaning out the entire length of the large intestine (Colon and Rectum) without using professional High colonic equipment. A process for anyone who is into colon therapy, anal depth play, klismaphilia, anal gaping and extened anal play. Anal sex activities over a period of many hours or even up to two days.

Whether you just like the feeling of being completely empty, completely emptying your colon ready for a colonic therapy mix, as preparation for anal play or you enjoy the whole processes, this information is designed to help you do it as completely and comfortably as possible. This whole process can be completed in under one (1) hour but can take up to an hour and a half. This program is particularly suitable for hours of totally clean anal play – Porn Shoot Worthy extreme anal play, fisting and depth play et al.

You can’t rush a Total Colon Clean Out

The process of cleaning out your entire colon cannot be rushed. If it takes a little longer than an hour (1:15 or 1:30) then so be it and all the better. When you rush the process, things don’t come out properly (literally and figuratively). This is not intended as medical opinion or recommendation. It is a commentary on how to and why it works that way.

What you need to know about Cramping

Click the image above to see Peristalsis animation

The idea of the Total Colon Clean Out is to do it as comfortably and as quickly as possible. If you are into BDSM forms of enema play for pain or punishment, this article will still give you a good understanding of how to make that happen. But if you are careful and follow the advice here there is no need for enema’s, large or small, to be painful.

The colon uses a process know as Parastolsis to move stuff from one end to the other. This is also the process you rely on when swallowing food. It is a rhythmic contracting of the muscles behind the mass combined with relaxing the muscles in front. It is the process that works what you eat all the way from your mouth to your anus.

Causes of cramping and pain

In the upper part of the colon (the ascending colon and transverse colon) the solids are still very soft and muddy. Your colon automatically compressed this mass into lengths that match the distance between the muscle contractions while it is still soft. Further down, if a harder, drier solid mass is too long, then when two muscles start clamping down on the same segments at the same time and that will cause pain that we call a cramp. One or both of them have to lose this battle to move the solid. The stuff cannot go forward and backward at the same time.

Gas can combine with solids to have a similar effect. One muscle is trying to push the gas further along but another muscle downstream is not ready to release the solid it is working on. You will feel a cramp in your gut, usually followed by that embarrassing tummy rumble. There are BDSM or enema fetishes based around deliberately introducing gas into the colon to produce pain.

Gas is your enemy

When you start to fill your colon with water, it can push up against both gas pockets and solids to cause cramping. Gas pockets are usually the worst because they create airlocks, usually at the sharp bends in your colon (the Hepatic Flexure, the Splenic Flexure and the top of the rectum). As your muscles try to push stuff past the airlock the bowl is blown up like a balloon. The cramping is not just the muscles fighting each other, the colon is inflated like there is a balloon the colon and this produces more pain.

Even so, solids (feces) forming a plug which the enema water is trying to push past is not comfortable either.

You will certainly feel some mild cramps when you start filling your colon with water. Your muscles will start trying to push out while you are pushing or holding water in. This usually occurs in the rectum or lower part of your colon (the Rectum, Sigmoid and Descending colon). This is because the farces are harder in the lower part. Water will mix with and flow past the much softer and watery mater which is usually found in the Transverse and Ascending colon (even for someone who is constipated) . This softer/watery waste cannot cause the same plugging action but gas can.

Equipment you will need for a Total Colon Clean Out

You are going to need an enema kit

The first and most essential piece of equipment you will need is an enema bag with appropriate attachments and nozzle(s). You can also choose a shower enema system as an ulternative. If you are just toying with the idea of a total colon clean out or large volume enemas, then you can pick up a cheap enema kit from the local drug store for maybe $20 to $25. In the long term, you will want something better.

To comfortably complete a total colon clean out you are going to administer enemas larger than 2L or 2 quarts.  You will have trouble finding enema kits that hold over 2 qt. Without a 3 or 4 litre enema kit the process is a bit more complicated. To fill your colon completely in Step #4 and #5 below, you will need to refill the enema bag/can to completely fill. To make the process easier, keep an eye out for the relaunch of the Max Enema System. It will appear in our shop with the other enema products.

Max Digital Bathroom Scales

You have to weigh less when you finish

The second piece of equipment you will want is a set of digital bathroom scales. You can get by without digital scales, but without a lot of experience with this process, people find they are not cleaning out totally. Without digital scales you will probably find yourself wait around the toilet for 20 mins to an hour to make sure a pocket of fluid doesn’t exit exit after you have left the house or started playing. The Max Smart Digital Sales makes sure you are emptying at every stage (and especially the final stage). Digital bathroom scales make it easy to confirm that you have expelled all the water from each fill-up.

Many people have asked me if a Shower enema nozzle can be use instead of an enema bag. The simple answer is yes, but you will definitely need some smart digital scales to measure the amount of water you inject as well as making sure you empty properly. The Max Digital Scales and any ideal solves to that problem. Sticking with the metric systems of weights and measures, 1 kg of water is exactly 1 litre of water. Measuring you weight before and after you fill up tells you exactly how much water went in.

A step-by-step to a Total Colon Clean Out

STEP #1 – Weigh yourself accurately
(takes just a minute)

Most of the advice you see on making sure anal sex is a clean act tells you to wait near a toilet for up to two hours after a large enema. The reason for this is to make sure your colon has pushed out everything that you pushed in. This is just a poor solution to poor advice.

With experience, it is pretty easy to tell when you are completely empty but without that experience you need to weight yourself. You cannot know what being total empty feels like until you have felt it. Typically more than once. A good set of digital scales won’t lie! If you don’t weigh less at the end then there is more stuff waiting to come out. To ensure a total colon clean out, first weigh yourself (naked) on a set of digital scales (like the Max Digital Bathroom Scales) before you start anything. It doesn’t matter whether or not they accurately report your total weight, the advantage of digital scales is that they WILL accurately measure any change in your weight.


STEP #2 – Empty the rectum first
(takes a couple of minutes)

Max Injector Anal Lube shooter

For a good and easy clean out, first you need to eliminate any gas or solids sitting in the lower part of the colon. We start with just the rectum. This is to avoid or minimize cramping. Start with a small volume of warm tap water (a couple of degrees above body temp. – no need to be exact, just don’t burn anything). One or two shots from a Max Injector is plenty. Then evacuate. You can use a bulb enema syringe which you can get at your local drug store or pharmacy. You will find quicker and  more convenient than using an enema bag at this point.

The first shot should be done in a standing position. A lot of poo floats and all gasses do. When you first put water in the ass anything in the rectum will be pushed up toward the top where there is a sharp downward turn into the Sigmoid colon. Pushing solids or gas up there will produce a cramp. Do not push past this first cramp. That will push things past the bend. If you do this you will have to put up with more and typically worse cramping on the way out as those solids and gasses hit those bends again.

STEP #3 – Loosening everything in the entire colon
(Takes 10 mins or so)

Filling the descending colon

This is going to take about 1 litre or a quart of warm water. Take it slowly, in a standing position over a couple of minutes. Your enema bag should be hanging about head height to create the correct amount of pressure. It will keep the flow slow. Your clean out will be easier and better when the enema is administered slowly. Having emptied the rectum, now you should be able to fill the rectum and Sigmoid colon with ease. That is going to take 500ml (1 pint) and up to a litre/quart. Don’t go beyond 1 litre.

When you are in the standing position and start to fill the Descending colon, solids and gas will float and be push up toward the bend at the top (the Splenic flexure). When you feel a decent cramp coming on, regardless of how much of the enema you have taken, stop the flow and hold the water for a couple of minutes. If you really can’t hold it just start evacuating. If you can hold the enema, gently massaging the left side of your belly. The cramp will subside as your muscles relax. Keep holding and the cramp will shortly return as your muscles go to work on the mix inside you. If you can, hold it till the second cramp passes and then release the lot.

The correct position for emptying it all out

You can expect this part will be smelly and messy. A soap additive in the enema mix can make it much less smelly, less splashy and in that sense, less messy. The poo will be loose, very loose and you will need to sit for a while. If you didn’t manage to hold the enema so you could lie down and massage your belly then it will take longer.

The normal advice for doing #2’s is to adopt a squatting position. Not so with large volume of enemas. You want to drop your knees low and sit upright lifting your chest high and arching your back slightly. This stretches your belly and helps to open the entire pathway for the enema to come out.

Any time the flow stops before you are empty It is much better to deliberately stop (tighten your anus) when the flow slows to a dribble. At that point, stand up for a few seconds or a minute. Stretch and bend or even walk around a bit. Lie down and massage the left side of your belly. Your internal muscles might need a moment to rest for a second push. Resist the urge to just sit on the potty pushing. This just causes the muscles higher up your colon to clamp down. Just like constipation, sitting there pushing constantly can cause hemorrhoids (piles).

Give everything a chance to drain and be pushed out of the descending colon, through the Sigmoid and out through the rectum. Usually the end of this evacuation is punctuated by the passing of all the gas which was pushed to the top of the Descending colon when the water was flowing in.


This is when you understand the importance of weighing yourself at the beginning. Now is the time to weigh yourself again, to make sure you are, at least, back to your base weight. You should be 100g (a couple of oz) lighter, but while you are filling and emptying, your colon has been absorbing some of the water you put in which is why you may not see any change in weight. However, if you are over your base weight there is more to come out. Don’t proceed till you are confident you have emptied all you put in.

STEP #4 – Flushing all the way to the Cecum
Allow 20 mins

The next step is to empty the bulk out of the entire length of your colon. You will want 3 ltrs or at least 3 qts of warm, soapy, salty water at the ready (you can get away with plain water if you prefer). A lot of people can take over 3 ltrs or 4 qrts, but don’t force it, we are just cleaning things out.

Knee-Chest is the start position

The two positions depicted here are the most effective at easing the filling process. The Left-side position (depicted first) makes the path of the water down hill until it reaches the splenic flexure. This will be useful in a later step but is not the best position at this point. The enema needs to flow all the way to the cecum. The knee-chest position is best. You lift up onto all fours “doggy” pose or go further and sit back on your heals so that you are kneeling up at the end.

The correct positioning will make this filling process much, much easier. Again, you want the flow to be slow. If you feel a cramp before you get passed the 1 litre/quart mark then your last step was not successful and there is more stuff to clear out of the descending colon. So stop at the cramp and repeat the last step. If the last step was successful then the enema will just keep steadily flowing in.

Adjust your position as you fill

At some point, around 2 ltrs/qts or more, you are going to start feeling “full”. If you are in the Knee-chest position, you will feel the pressure right across your belly just under your ribs. This will be different to the cramps you have felt before which were localized. Your tummy will have a noticeable bulge to it. Now is the time to raise to kneeling on all fours or kneeling up. Now the water will readily start flowing down the length of the ascending colon to the cecum. You will definitely feel the pressure building in the lower right hand quadrant of your belly, just inside your right hip, as the cecum fills.

It is extremely unlikely you can over fill yourself. The weakest point in the system is your anus. Without a retention bulb in your ass the water will just start coming out the way it went in. Don’t let the pressure build up too much. You want your belly to feel “tight” but you also want to retain this volume for a couple of minutes to let the soap do its thing on the inside.

Having stopped the filling process, If you lie on your back the pressure will subside and you will be able to massage your bloated belly. The longer you hold it the more you will feel you can. The warm water relaxes you muscles until they get a hold on something solid and start the pushing process. After a couple of minutes (or when you feel you have to) it is time to evacuate.

A different position for emptying yourself out

Just like before, don’t expect to empty in one go. Don’t just sit there pushing. In fact try not to push very hard at all. Like before you need to drop your knees down but this time arch back as far as you can while you are seated. Let he water kind of flow out of your ass. As you evacuate you should be able to feel everything being sucked out of you colon as the water literally siphons it out. The water will initially come out quite clean and get progressively filthier. When you think you are done, weigh yourself to make sure. Stand up, stretch and have a walk before sitting down again.

When you think you are empty, weigh yourself to make sure. When done correctly, you will be significantly lighter at the end of this step than before. If you are not, that means there is more to come, but if nothing more is coming now, that’s Okay. You are about to go through the full flush one more time.

Step #5 – Flushing out the residue
Allow 15 mins

Basically the same as Step 4. The filling up should be a peace of cake now. The warm water will have relaxed your insides. There is nothing substantial to block the flow. 2 to 3 ltrs (3 to 4 qts) of warm, soapy, salty water to clean out the residue and anything still clinging to the walls.

Go through the same positions as in Step #4. Doggy position with your ass up and your shoulders dropped below the height of your hips (like you are kissing the ground). This will help the water flow all the way through to the end of the Transverse colon. You might be able to feel the warm water making its way through your Transverse colon from one left side of your body to the right. When you feel the pressure building in the top of your belly, under your ribs, you want to raising your shoulders or even kneel up to a vertical position. This will help the flow into the Ascending colon and now down to the cecum.

Rub or jiggle your stomach as the last of the water flows in and while you are holding it. Holding will be much easier now. Lying on your back and massaging your belly for a couple of minutes is best. Evacuate and weigh yourself. You may find that you have not lost any weight during this program. It is because your colon keeps sucking up some of the water you are injecting and this is hydrating your body as fast as you are flushing the solids out of your colon, but YOU SHOULD NOT BE HEAVIER. This is how you make sure there are no latent accidents.

Step #6 – Totally Clean Colon and Rectum
5 to 10 mins

This is the final rinse. Use at least 1/3 less (or down to one half) the water you could hold in Steps 4 or 5. Make it just a little bit cooler. No soap but salt if you so choose. We are just getting any soap residue out of your colon. Take it in, pause for a minute or two and let it out. Even with the cooler water your muscles will not be working very hard to empty you. You may find that the last of the water tends to drain out rather then be pushed. The only thing you should see in the waste is little flecks of mucus which your colon will continue to create to line the walls. You are completely clean.

Weigh yourself to make sure. Try going to the toilet again in 10 mins. just to make sure there was no residual water that has drained into the rectum. If anything more than water comes out after the 10 min don’t go back to high volumes of water, just flush your rectum like in Step 2 give yourself a little lavage (this is when you freely let the water flow out of your ass while water is flowing in through the enema nozzle. This usually means you rushed through one or more of the steps but it is just how it goes some times.

You are done. Nothing will come out of your ass for at least 8 to 12 hours no matter what or how much your have been eating before or after. You may not need to empty your bowls again for 2 days.

P.S. You could find you are a little constipated for up to five days if you do not keep your fiber up after this. Your colon is simply trying to compensate for the overdose of water. It all goes back to normal within a week.

A total colon Clean Out mixture

A note on additives

For “A real clean” use soap in a combination with a multiple large volume (high colonic) enema regimen. Many use soap as an irritant to induce cramps but the right soaps will reduce cramping.


  1. satyricon1 November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    Question — you suggest “warm soapy water” for the clean out — what sort of soap should one be adding to the water for this purpose — surely not dish or laundry detergent? Something like Ivory soap (known for its 99 and 44/100 purity?


    • Max Private December 17, 2019 at 11:41

      Hi satyricon1. No not laundry detergent or dishwashing liquids. While many do use Ivory most will find it irritating (to say the least). Also, Ivory comes in various derivatives of the original product and even the manufacturers talk of the product being mildly scented. No, to keep your rear passage happy you want a hypoallergenic soap. Look for pH balanced products notably Femfresh. But the best and cheapest solution is baby shampoo. The “No more tears” formulation which is designed not to irritate the delicate eye membrane is perfect for the anus.

      As always, no drug administration test these things for insertion in the ass, so whatever you chose to play with do a little test on your ass at first. People who put regular soaps up their arse soon learn why it was used as a home remedy laxative in days gone by. Some of them make your arse feel like it’s on fire inside. If you have an adverse reaction, flush with plenty of water.

      Of course, lots of people love the burning sensation of plain soaps (and other things) but this piece was about making the process of cleaning your colon an easy one.

  2. Max Private November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    Hi satyricon1. No not laundry detergent or dishwashing liquids. While many do use Ivory most will find it irritating (to say the least). Also, Ivory comes in various derivatives of the original product and even the manufacturers talk of the product being mildly scented. No, to keep your rear passage happy you want a hypoallergenic soap. Look for pH balanced products notably Femfresh. But the best and cheapest solution is baby shampoo. The “No more tears” formulation which is designed not to irritate the delicate eye membrane is perfect for the anus.

    As always, no drug administration test these things for insertion in the ass, so whatever you chose to play with do a little test on your ass at first. People who put regular soaps up their arse soon learn why it was used as a home remedy laxative in days gone by. Some of them make your arse feel like it’s on fire inside. If you have an adverse reaction, flush with plenty of water.

    Of course, lots of people love the burning sensation of plain soaps (and other things) but this piece was about making the process of cleaning your colon an easy one.

  3. Knoxoff November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    «Thank You»… I have been looking for all these details (described precisely and step by step) for the right anal prep since about a year and a half……here they are !!
    Thanks again ! 😉

  4. Undine1324 November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    I know this is old but I was wondering if you could use a shower douching system in place of the enema?

  5. analnewbie November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    thanks for the article, I hope you are still answering here.

    i didnt quite understand how you make sure that the water reached the bottom of ascending colon and it doesn’t go further?
    I once made a colon cleans and I think I overdid it, as I got pieces of undigested food (like salad) coming out of the colon. i think it passed further from ascending colong into stomach… what did I do wrong?

  6. Sydfist November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    Why not simply use picoprep or any of the other methods of cleaning before a colonoscopy? Gets you squeaky clean from top to bottom.

  7. Max Private November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    @Sydfist – picoprep is, of course, a chemical laxative which will clean you out from gullet to ass hole. It is literally an over kill which will deprive your body of all nourishment. That might be Okay for the one day a hear you need to get a colonoscopy, but it is not something people should do on a regular occasion.
    Furthermore, these products come with the possibility of serious side effects and can interfere with other medications.
    Most of the potential side effects are related to allergic reactions and although there is a warning about the chemicals, people are often complete unaware they have allergies to the contents until they take this stuff:-

    “Some of the symptoms of an allergic reaction may include hives or an itchy skin rash, swelling of the face, lips or tongue, difficulty breathing, or faintness.”

    Some of the nastier side effects (of PicoPrep as a specific example) are:

    “Nausea; abdominal fullness; or a feeling of gas in the stomach. … abdominal cramps; vomiting; anal irritation.” and “Tell your doctor if you notice anything else that is making you feel unwell.”

    Enema’s just don’t come with that extensive list of issues.

  8. Max Private November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    @analnewbie – Sorry for the late reply. I have not been attending to the site or my blogs for quite some time. I am just now going back over all the comments and communications that I have neglected.

    First up, forcing an enema backwards past the cecum would damage the cecum. The pain you would experience event before the cecum gave way is a show stopper. I have read at least one medical report of the effects of pushing passed the cecum saying that it results if violent vomiting akin to but worse than the effects of force feeding someone with a bowel obstruction. If food can’t pass through it comes back up. If the digestive tract is forced to reverse directions everything comes out top end violently and death is a likely outcome. However, the medical opinion did not go so far as to identify any specific circumstance where this had occurred.

    I have read a report on a rather gruesome animal welfare case where two kids attempted to force water up a pig ass until it came out its mouth. They killed the pig because the bowel ruptured under the pressure because the cecum did not gave way. So, I say with a great deal of confidence that you did not get anywhere near your stomach contents.

    What you just demonstrated is that fiber/roughage (salad) does not get digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Digesting these components is the job of e-coli and the other colon microbials, which in any other environment we call bugs or germs.

    The presents of food like salad shows that you were cleaning out the ascending colon with your enema and not that you did anything wrong or went too far. Seam like you were right on the mark.

    Play safe.

  9. analnewbie November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    hello Max.

    thank you for your answer!

    i have been desperately looking for the answers for this topic on probably already all the websites now that google is able to index! it‘s sooo weird how this topic still remains not fully discovered or explained with a 100% working method… and it seems so easy for other gay couples and people that I went out for fetish parties to clean the colon.. they could have sex in the middle of the night but I was always embarrassed to ask how they reach it..

    i still can‘t handle cleaning well, as sometimes when I am doing the fifth, 6th or 7-8-9th fill in, the water is still dirty… and I already feel so exhausted that i don‘t even want to think about sex anymore… and I eat well the same day of cleaning… if I do so many fills in, does it mean that I fill not enough of water? although sometimes I was reaching these undigested food and even after that when I was doing another 3-4 fills in – it still remained there… making the task seem to be impossible…

    how do I know that i put not too much water and it will not go to the cecum from my ascending colon?

    i would prefer to stop cleaning knowing that my transverse colon is cleaned and that would be enough for me to play with guys.. but is there a way to know that I reached the end of the transverse colon so I didn‘t proceed further? when I tried your method I didn‘t feel cramping reaching the flexure of descending colon, the water goes smoothly all time… the same way i think I won‘t feel any cramping on the flexure between the transverse and ascending colons.

    appreciate your advise

  10. Max Private November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    Hi Josh,

    You are certainly letting things get the better of you. You did not heed that warning in step 6 or I did not make myself clear. If you attempt to do a 3rd (or additional) total fill up, your bowel’s muscles will tire out and the enema will not come out readily. Things will keep draining through your bowels for hours and this is totally counter productive as you have experienced.

    My guess is that you are not filling up completely in steps 4 and 5. The ultimate capacity of the colon is an individual thing. When you are really full, you will feel the internal pressure build up deep in the lower right quadrant of you belly. Just in front of or inside your right hip bone. When you feel full right down in this lower quarter of your belly, you know the water is ballooning up at the start of your ascending colon (at the cecum).

    The other common mistake is to rush things. Letting the water rush in too fast and not retaining the water for long enough can also cause the problems you are having. When the water keeps rushing in despite the colon’s efforts to move things in the outward direction, the colon shuts down waiting for things to settle. It then need several minute to start the expulsion process again. That is why you should retain the enema for a period and not try to expel it straight away.

    Finally, if the timing of the enema is off due to mobility variations of your intestine, the cecum could be releasing more “food” while you are trying to clean the ascending colon out. You can’t do anything about that and that is why you just have to stop after the second complete fill-up. As long as you do not exhaust you bowels they will react to the excessive water introduced in to you colon and keep sucking things dry for hours. Any remnants still lining your colon will become immobile in your dehydrated colon. So, just stop. Then as a final clean you only need a maximum of 500-750 ml of water. This will not be enough to push through the splenic flexure at the top of the descending colon, so even with a tired bowel, gravity will do it’s thing and drain the water from you anyway without drawing more dregs from higher up in your colon.

    If you are still feeling self-conscious after this, give it at least 30 mins and then using just a (or several) small enema(s) 200ml or so, check that your rectum is clean. It will be.

    If you still have issues and need more qualification, I am happy to keep working through it with you.

    Play Safe.

  11. Max Private November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    @Undine1324 – Yes you can certainly use a shower douching system. It is just impossible to make exact measurements of the speed and volume of water going in. But, with a bit of experience you get to know the sensations from your insides and know what is going on.

    So, if using a shower head just heed the comments below on what happens when you fill too quickly and not waiting for your colon to reset.

    Play safe.

    • analnewbie December 23, 2019 at 02:49

      hi Max, whats up?

      i tried to do a total cleanse last Saturday and it failed again… i weighted myself. i was letting water come very slowly.
      during the step 3, i put 1l of water to clean the descending colon first. i was lying and massaging my left part before evacuating.

      however after everything seemed to be evacuated after 2-3 times, i weighted myself again and I was 100g heavier. You said one should take around 20 minutes before the step 4 and proceed. So I was already waiting for 40-50 minutes and no more water was coming out. So i thought that is too long to wait and that was for the reasons that maybe the water was warm and it went into walls of the descending colon so I had to continue further with 3 litres of water with soap and salt. i measure it by putting 6 bottle of half a litre to make sure it is 3 litres of liquid in an enema.

      so i did it twice and before the 4th and the 5th steps a lot of water was coming out and I was taking the position of being on my back and the lifting my pelvic bone up with my left side lower than the right one in order for the water to go down from the ascending colon to the transverse colon. then I was slowly moving my pelvic to the left side until i reach my bed lying on my left and then I was standing up from my bed with a focus on the left side of my body so that the water was going down to the descending colon.

      i was taking that position of my my pelvic been lifted up for a quite long time. so it seemed to be enough time for all the water to go out. i was evacuating 3-4 times during steps 4 and 5. then I used 30% of water but the water was still coming out dirty. so i thought as you described that if there is still something no need to refill again, but just to clean with an enema bulb and give it some time for everything to dry up. the whole procedure took me around 2 hours.

      however in 2 hours i had more dirty water coming out. more then that during the night i woke up due to the urge to go to the toilet. when i sat on the toilet there was more water coming and it was still dirty. so that was actually in 6 hours time after I finished.

      i had this problem with water been stuck for so long before. but those times i was not lifting the right side of my pelvic for so long as the last time. so last time I was hoping that everything would be alright. however it was still the same.

      why does water stuck there for so long? and what did I do wrong again if you could notice smth wrong from my description?

      josh 🙁

      • Max Private December 23, 2019 at 13:55

        Hi Josh.

        I have sent you a PM with a couple of suggesting and some questions for you. When I figure out what is happening in your case I will post a detailed response here.

        • analnewbie December 24, 2019 at 08:25

          Hi Max,

          Thank you but I couldn’t find Messages section on your website, if you meant that. And I checked my emails just in case, also nothing.

          Where should I look?


          • Max Private December 24, 2019 at 16:27

            Hi Josh,

            I sent the email to the email address on your user profile. If you have a different address, use the contact max form and you can specify a different email when you submit that form.

  12. analnewbie November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    hello Max,

    thank for your answer.

    i will have to try to clean my colon again within the next couple of weeks taking notes of the adjustments that you’ve just listed.

    i will post my results here.

    thank you for your help again. i am really looking forward to a gay life where I can actually be confident and have fun


  13. Undine1324 December 17, 2019 at 06:20

    Hello Max. I apologize since I’ve posted this before, but I was wondering if there was a way to modify this for a shower douche system? Or if it could be performed as is?

    • Max Private December 17, 2019 at 23:39

      Hi Greg,

      I don’t know if you missed my earlier response because the rebuild has scrambled the order and dates of the comments or you are seeking more detail. So, the short answer, as above, is Yes. While this probably worthy of a new post, if we do not consider that option of releasing in the bath or shower, I can expand on my last reply.

      One significant different with a shower shot is that it precludes you from adding anything to your enema water. However, you can use a Max Injector (or similar), if you don’t want to keep buying an endless supply of disposable injectors, to inject additives into the rectum before filling up with water. To avoid exposing your rectum to a highly concentrated solution, you can inject a small amount of water with the shower shot, then inject the additive and then complete the fill-up.

      Second significant point is the inability to measure the amount of water that is flowing into you. With some experience/experimentation you will become familiar with which cramp indicates you have hit the top of your rectum verses the top of the descending colon and when you are really full all the way to the cecum or just getting stuck at the Hepatic flexure.

      At every stage you pause before emptying out, so there is no issue moving from the shower/bath to the toilet. In fact, moving around helps loosen things up on the inside before you release.

      Other than the very last flush of the dregs that might remain in the rectum, there is no changes to be made to the process. As mentioned in the article, you can’t rush things. You still want to fill up slowly at every step. You still want to pause before you empty out. This be the cause of problems with a shower shot because people just fill up too fast. Instead of the water working its way past any material/blockage and then pushing it out when you release, the in rushing water pushes things backwards and it is all a lot harder to empty.

      Hope that is more helpful, at least until I have time to write on some of the specific of using a shower shot to clean out.

  14. Jonah Alvarez January 16, 2020 at 06:49

    Hey, I was wondering if you could detail the ratios of both salt and soap you add to the water?

    • Max Private January 16, 2020 at 12:40

      The aim is to make yourself an isotonic solution. The relevant measurements are:

      9 grams of salt in 1 litre of water
      2 (level) teaspoons of salt to 4 cups of water

      You will need to heat the water to ensure the salt dissolves properly and then, of course, you will need to let it cool before you use it.

      If you are preparing a 2 or 3 litre enema, you can always double or triple the salt you put in to the initial 1 litre of water to dissolve it and then add the concentrated salt solution to the extra 1 or 2 litres which is likely then to be cool enough for use.

  15. Jonah Alvarez January 23, 2020 at 08:24

    So I’ve tried your method a couple of times now and I’m running into a problem, after I fill myself up completely (I can’t hold it in, it becomes too much and I have to quickly evacuate) I am unable to empty it all out, I’ll be trying for 20 minutes to get back down to my starting weight but all that comes out are small squirts of water and as a result I am unable to fully clean. The next fill ups are just as dirty as the first, I don’t know what to do.

    • Max Private January 23, 2020 at 10:18

      This is a classic case of obstruction. Most likely you are dealing with a build up of gas at one of the flexures. This means that you are getting enough volume of water in to the colon to expand it along it entire length. When you are completely full you won’t feel any localised pressure. It is not enough that you feel your whole belly is inflated, you should feel the weight of a large amount of water accumulating in your cecum.

      When you have a forced expulsion, as you describe, your colon “clamps off” in sections. This is designed to make sure that when the bottom section (your rectum) compresses the contents will not go backwards.

      This leaves you with multiple “pockets” of water and faeces all through your colon. Every attempt to “push” more out just causes the sections of the colon to shut off and nothing comes out when you push. In fact, nothing moves toward the exit until the colon is given a change to relax and go back to its normal rhythm. Its normal rhythm is not useful in this case as it takes hours to clear the entire colon.

      The solution is to slow down the filling process. As soon as you feel the pressure building, and before it gets to be too much, shut off the flow of water and give your colon a chance to relax again. You might have to put up with pressure for up to a minute, but then suddenly you will feel this immense relief. Then you can start the flow of water again.

      The scientifically measured capacity of an average human colon is 7 litres. This is when it is removed from the human abdomen (the measurement was done postmortem). You will not get anything like a 7 litre enema up inside yourself. But if you are not around 3 litres (or more) you are not full. Once you are full, it is surprisingly easy to hold all that water.

      See how you go and let us know if you still have trouble.

      Play safe.

  16. Leebee May 29, 2020 at 03:01

    Ive used your method numerous times and it has worked very well for me. It did take a bit of fussing to get things going properly but worked well.

    My question is: how often would you suggest to use your method? I like using toys and other things and some of them go rather deep. No one wants to experience a mess when pleasure is the optimal outcome. I like to play often but i would like to keep my bowels operating to their best ability while still being able to indulge as often as i can.


    • Max Private May 29, 2020 at 10:07

      Hi Geoff.

      I don’t have any specific recommendation on “how often” but I rather suspect you are real concerned with the questioning; what words of caution do I have? Much of what I have to say on that subject is addressed in the article Enema Issues and I strongly recommend reading that article in response to your question, but the highlights are as follows:

      1. How often should you do it?
      As often as you like. This answer assumes that you will still have to do other things in a day to sustain your existence. That’s going to stop you from flushing water through your colon 24/7. So, let’s say daily is no problem.

      2. What happens when you stop after years of daily colon clean outs?
      Not much, but your gut will take a few days to readjust. If you do a total colon clean out just once, you might notice that the next day you pass a small amount of poo that is very loose. Then you might go a couple of days without passing anything and feel constipated. By day four everything should move again, but it may be looser than normal again. After a week, any changes in your bowel movements are going to be the result of your diet. After years of daily clean outs, it is much the same. You can expect that your bowels will take a little longer to settle down.

      3. Is there ways to make the return to normal easier?
      Yes. Don’t go “Cold Turkey”. Use smaller enemas designed to clear the rectum only to help with the constipation. If you are feeling really blocked up and it is not in the rectum, you can use up to 1 ltr to flush the sigmoid and descending colon and then on go back to small enemas to clear the rectum if needed.

      4. What about all the claims of becoming enema dependent?
      Basically a load of rubbish. But many people do like the dependability of having enemas on a regular basis (nothing to do with preparing for anal sex). Once you realize there is no need to suffer constipation cramps or suffer a burning anus after overdosing on a Vindaloo or you get to like the feeling of being empty, then you are likely to stick with enemas for the rest of your life. But that’s a life improvement choice and not at all the way it is painted by the fear mongers.

      • Leebee August 17, 2020 at 11:36

        Thanks for lots of great information and the supplemental article! I feel more confident now and will be able to enjoy my playtime more often.


        • Max Private August 17, 2020 at 13:53

          My pleasure.

          Play safe.

  17. Matthew September 18, 2020 at 09:33

    Hey I am having issues getting fully cleaned out. I manage the clean the rectum and descending colon just fine but when going all the way to the cecum I just cannot hold it past about a liter and a half. I get bad cramps and just fold every time. I am using Catile soap like recommended in another article. What do I do? Do I just bite my teeth and hold out through the pain?

    • Max Private September 26, 2020 at 06:54

      Hi Matthew.

      This is a common problem. The article warns of the cramping or pain that will result from either solids or gas rising (floating) on the rising column of water as you fill your rectum, sigmoid and descending colon. Actually, you are most likely to feel this type cramp when you first fill your rectum as the column approaches the curve at the top of the rectum.

      So, there are two approaches to get past the corner into the transverse colon. First: once you get to around the 1 liter mark you will have a substantial amount of water in the descending colon. As long as you stop before the pain/cramping get too much to hold, then hold it you should. If it is solids causing the blockage, your bowels with start to churn that up with the water inside to loosen and soften everything. You will feel less server cramps come and go and by the third cramp it is time to expel. In most cases you will easily expel any gas adding to the blockage at the same time.

      Second option is to just slow things down. You don’t need to grit your teeth and push through the pain. No. As you feel the initial tinge of a cramp coming on, stop the flow of water. The cramp will intensify briefly even after the flow of water is stopped. As soon as you feel the cramp begin to subside, start slowly adding more water until you feel the cramp coming back and then hold the water. As soon as the cramping starts to easy, add more water slowly. You keep playing this game of push and relax until (quite unexpectedly) the cramping just stops and your will feels a great sense of release from you insides. The water will just start flowing without any resistance and you will be able to run it in as fast as you like.

      If you try the first option (filling to the 1 liter mark and then releasing) and you just hit the same blocking point again, then move onto the second option.

      As always, remember to play safe.

  18. p3t3rbed January 16, 2022 at 20:54

    Hi Max. When using a 39” shower hose insert, how does this change things.? Can the hose be pushed all the way in to the cecum and effectively clean your entire colon from the top down? If so, would this be done using a lavage method or would one need to hold the water in and use the total filling method twice, as described in the short nozzle method? Thank you for your efforts. I appreciate it.

  19. p3t3rbed January 16, 2022 at 21:14

    Follow up question: would introducing a slink or deep probe within the process help to open things up and expedite the process?

  20. falargi February 10, 2023 at 04:39

    What position should I use at the final step when using 1/3 less the amount of water?
    When I do this final step filthy water still comes out. I’m doing this final step on the left side position and after evacuating I feel water trapped in my transverse colon.
    No matter how much I push it’s not coming out.

    • Max Private February 10, 2023 at 11:39

      Hi @falargi,
      The simple answer to your question is standing or upright but left side is fine. Both upright and left side will ensure that the smaller amount of water doesn’t go past your rectum and sigmoid colon. This is the area that always needs a last flush because the tail end of any release is always has remanence of the deepest waste matter. And, by the time you get to the last flush, your colon is getting very tired of emptying all the enema out and the muscles just give up and take a rest for a couple of hours. Dirty water is then trickling down for hours.

      Now to the bigger issue. That last flush should not be filthy. It should be clear or have just the trace amounts that were left clinging to the walls from the last full enema. So, the bigger question is: Why is the last 1/3 still filthy?

      You have kind of answer this question yourself. You definately have water trapped in the transverse colon and it is probably getting stuck there when you are trying to empty the first big fill. Why is the real question and the answer and there are several things to explore to figure out why.

      1. You are not filling up enough.
      This relates to Steps 4 and 5. If there is gas in your ascending colon/cecum, that is going to float/pop to the top as soon as the ascending colon starts to fill. It will block the flow of water in to the ascending colon. You will feel pressure build up on the right hand side of your abdomen. This is often the point that people think that are full. You know you are really full when the pressure from the inside is felt all through your abdomen. From the lower right side, inside you hip, up to the ribs, across the bottom of your rib cage and down into your left hip. If the pressure in your belly is localized you can bet is it a gas pocket. You may have to stop the water flow for a minute to let you colon relax at the point. If you are filling on your left side, roll to your right. If you are ass up and head down then kneel up so the gas pocket is encouraged to move out of the way and let water pass.

      2. Your water temp is wrong
      The water temp is very importance. It should be lukewarm (body temp) or a couple of degrees warmer. If the temp is too warm you will put your colon to sleep. You might get away with warmer water on the first fill (step 4) but you will struggle to get all of the second out. If the water is too cool/cold, your colon will cramp-up and your will spoil the timing and flow of the whole exercise. Emptying out will be extremely problematic.

      3. Gas blocking the exit
      Again, this relates to steps 4 and 5. The faster you fill yourself the more likely you will have a problem emptying. Especially in step 4 with the first real fill. When you there is nothing more coming out, wait. Stand up, walk around for 5 mins. Stretch out your belly by arching your back and really push your hips forward. Lie on your stomach and roll from your left side to your right side repeatedly. Sitting a pushing only locks up your colon. When you push to expel from the rectum the rest of your colon clamps down to ensure stuff is push out through your anus and not back up your colon. Notwithstanding point 2 above, a trick to releasing the rectosigmoid junction is to add an extra step. Between step 4 and 5 use a moderate volume, very warm enema. Don’t try to fill your colon in this extra step. Just fill your rectum all the way with really warm water. Doesn’t’ matter if you happen to push past the junction. Hold it for a minute. This will force the rectal valves and the junction to relax and when you sit down again, that which was stuck will all rush out.

      One of the points above is going to be the source/solution to your problem. If you continue to struggle, I will be happy to walk through the specifics in a DM/chat session.

  21. tapio1989 January 24, 2025 at 04:12

    Hello! Did I correctly understand that between step 3 and 4 I must make a pause 20 min to allow all the water go out, and between step 4 and 5 i must pause 15 min? Or how I should read it? Another option is just to move to the next step when the weight is equal or lower than in the beginning?

    • Max Private January 24, 2025 at 10:44

      If the weight is lower of equal, you are good to move on. The 20min/15mins are a guide to how long it is likely to take for the peristalsis of you gut to move everything from the upper part of your colon to the rectum,. If you have not waited long enough, you will find that you are not emptying properly the muscles will tire as a result of not being give time to do their thing and it can take an extra hour from the very deepest deposits and water to be moved to the exit.

      With some experience, we will become family with the sense of emptiness when you are empty and the tension in your gut when there is still more to come.

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