Eating and Enemas for Clean Anal Sex
3rd edition – August 16, 2022
First published April 11, 2014
© Max Private – All rights reserved

Feature image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images

The #1 concern for people contemplating Anal Sex

Most people want to know how to make sure anal sex is clean. Anal Sex is not fun if you are anxious about the possibility of making a mess of thing. Anxiety will lead to pain. From all the feed back I get, most men (tops) are not bothered by traces of fecal matter after they have finished, but it can be a real road block for the bottom. Placing a box of tissues or baby wipes in a conveniently close location never a bad idea anyway. But in general, most people don’t like the idea of it getting brown and especially if it is smelly. Without confidence the receiver (bottom) cannot relax mentally. It doesn’t just spoil any chances of enjoying the activity, anxiety is a sure fire path to making anal sex painful for the bottom. For more information on that topic, go to Avoiding Anal Sex Pain.

When people search for an answer on how to keep anal sex clean, responses vary dramatically from the sublime to the ridiculous. The most common advice goes something like this:

“Don’t worry about it. Just fuck through the filth, it’s part of the fun!” – not helpful!
“Don’t worry about it. Just go to the toilet before you start.” – not wrong but not entirely helpful.
“You have to starve yourself for 24 to 48 hours and then hose your ass out for 2 to 3 hours.” – Yes and totally ridiculous!

Such extreme differences of opinion and approaches do nothing to provide any sort of confidence.

Here you will gain sufficient knowledge and understand to know exactly what you need to do for your own purposes.

Human Anatomy and Biology

Human Gastrointestinal Tract

Everybody is an individual (to some extent) but the fundamentals of the Gastrointestinal Tract and the way it works remain the same. We will start with how the Gastrointestinal tract deals with food.

“Carbohydrates” is a very generic term regularly used to refer to sugars although it is far more encompassing. Sugars start being digested in the mouth by enzymes in your saliva. The stomach produces acid to destroy bacteria in the food and neutralize the salivary enzymes. There is no actual digestion of sugars in the stomach. All the sugars are absorbed in the small intestine.

“Good” fiber or soluble fibers are still Carbohydrates, but these classes of carbohydrates do not get absorbed in the small intestine. Fiber (as it is commonly referred to) is food for the large intestine’s (colon’s) flora and it is the flora that breaks it down and enables the colon to absorb the nutrients from it. So, fiber adds a lot of bulk to the colon (as well as the small intestine) and keeps things moving.

High Glycemic Index carbohydrates (sugars) are entirely processed in the upper part of the Gastrointestinal tract and small intestine. The only stuff of sugars that makes it to the large intestine are “contaminants”.

The average amount of time it takes for food to pass through the stomach is two to three hours. The average time for a meal to move through the Small intestine to the colon is eight hours. Considering numerous variations, it can take 15 hours for a meal to be completely emptied into the cecum and colon.

Keeping these details in mind, here are some tricks for enjoying clean anal sex every time.

Clearing the rectum

Details of Anus and Rectum

For a short round of anal sex or anal play all you need to do is empty and clean the rectum. This is why many say there is no need for an enema. If your stools are not sloppy just empty your rectum into the toilet (do number 2’s).

To harden your poo, stay away from high fiber foods the day before. This will slow the passage of the material through your system and make your poo firmer. Nuts are definitely something to avoid the day before, because they will make your poo soft and sticky or sludgy.

Anything you ate from the preceding day should be well on its way to the exit. With a low fiber diet the day before play, very little of mass will reach your colon. The food from the preceding day (2 days prior to play) should be at the exit on the day of play. There will be a large “empty” section above the rectum.

An hour or so before play have something to eat (anything really). Nothing you eat on the day you play will make it anywhere near the exit. But eating will trigger the gastro-intestinal reflex to help you poop out whatever has accumulated in the rectum, enema or not. With nothing immediately behind it to fill up the space again you are good to go. Most use a small amount of water (plain water enema) to just flush the rectum for added confidence. If you are in the habit of having a shower before sex/bed, you have the opportunity to just slip a finger into your anus to make sure the walls are clean.

Be careful with an enema. You don’t want to push water into the rectum if it is not empty, that can push stuff backwards. If you can’t poo before the enema, make sure you use a very small amount of water (1 oz or 50ml). Just enough to help anything slide out. Also, don’t use so much water that you start filling up more then the rectum (no more than 1 cup or 200 – 300 ml). This will dislodging stuff that is higher up. Then it can be a real problem emptying properly and get clean as more an more feces come down the pipe.

Flushing the entire colon – Totally clean anal sex

For a detailed and efficient process for completely flushing the entire large intestine refer to The Total Colon Clean Out.

You are better having a high fiber diet the day before. Eat dinner early and stay mobile (light exercise/walking/moving around) after dinner, to give things a move along before you go to bed. On play day you want to be mobile/active (not a lounge lizard) to keep moving things along. Also, change to a low fiber diet (pancakes, eggs on white toast, etc.). Have a late breakfast (brunch) or skip breakfast all together.

The best time to clean out is then 1 to 2 hours after lunch or brunch (gastro-intestinal reflex again). The low fiber diet will make sure nothing is in you that will make it to the colon on play day. Typically, nothing is going to make it to your rectum or the lower part of your colon for 24 – 48 hours.

Final note: Stress and hormones can have a big impact on your bodies food processing. My girl gets totally stopped up for two to three days before her period. As soon as her period starts her colon releases. It doesn’t change the principles but it has an impact on timing. Ultimately, you’ll have to figure out the eccentricities of your own body.

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One Comment

  1. fitrunnr November 30, -0001 at 00:00

    I found the instructions under “Clearing the rectum” confusing – the sequence describes “the day before,” “the preceding day,” and “the prior day,” and it’s not totally clear what is meant by each. Initially I thought they were all describing the day before play. But I’ve just reread it and I think I now understand the sequence. I think what you’re saying is: If the day of play is Saturday, then stay away from high fiber foods on Friday. Anything you ate Thursday will be well on its way to the exit (by Saturday). With a low fiber diet on Friday, very little of this (Friday’s diet) will reach the colon. The food from Thursday should be at the exit on the day of play (Saturday), so you will have an ’empty’ section immediately behind that. Is that correct? It does make more sense!

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